Naturally Manage your eBusiness

naturally manage your eBusiness
leverage the evolving transaction system
personalization and customer profiling
expertise-centric™ tools
development tools
management tools
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Intuitive tools allow non-technical business managers to collaborate over their Active Business Model™ iterating the business optimization cycle within their operation units, across the corporation, and across partner businesses along their value-chain. After each business model change eOMNISCIENT™ revises the Unified Real-Time Adaptive Web eBusiness Environment's user information, business directives, and content in real-time. The new way(s) of doing business are instantly deployed to the relevant Web servers supporting the Intranet, Extranet, and Internet sites using best-of-breed technologies in a way that hides the technical complexities from the business experts. These tools walk non-technical business experts through the otherwise complex tasks of creating, managing, measuring, and optimizing a Web-enabled eBusiness in which rapidly adapting the interactions for visitors is key to driving the top and bottom lines. Instead of expressing your new business intent to an IT staff that must make hundreds or thousands of program changes, you simply state your new business "orders to the field" to eOMNISCIENT™ which can react online at the speed of your commands.